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  • Writer's pictureJarratt Ong

Indonesia towards community resilience!

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Enter our cozy digital eco village on a mission to help impact making founders and talents build the sustainable cities and communities of their dreams through sustainable development.

A good part of YSI SEA and Interseed was largely driven by the amazing ground up eco friendly support that we managed to secure throughout Southeast Asia featuring players from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and many more that are eager to be a part of a thriving sustainability community achieving SDG goals.

Here are some amazing highlights of what has been done in 2019 we have more to come as we grow our eco community on a track to environmental sustainability and social sustainability!

Thank you for being a part of our sustainability community hosting these sustainability events, green events! Onward with sustainable community development together!

Environmental Sustainability with Indonesia on the way to Sustainable Living!

Harlino Nandha Prayudha, and Amelinda Mayaparamastri Agus each took a different slice of the sustainability spectrum.

Harlino decided to raise awareness of SDGs in youths and activate the community to come together to help one another in the long run.

As for for Amel, she decided to focus on the young and older by creating a workshop, at children's library, to raise awareness about the UN SDGs, and help create self sustainable communities.

 Environmental Sustainability Indonesia Sustainable Living

Harlino Nandha Prayudha's Pendaftaran Encourage Seminar dan Workshop / ENCOURAGE Talk and Workshop aims to improve youth capacity towards SDG’s and encourage them to initiate movement starting from their own circle! As the common saying goes, change starts with me.

The focus was on raising awareness of youths in SDGs such as Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action, and an ultimate goal of long-term sustainability such as building partnership with communities for future project plan. Now that's sustainability.

The event was held at Student Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, targeting Students of Unpad and especially from Faculty of Agriculture with the intention to increase the interests of youths in related sustainability topics related to their passionate SDGs and a newfound passion for communities to join forces for a future project plan.

 Environmental Sustainability Indonesia Sustainable Living

Amelinda Mayaparamastri decided to engage the regular visitors of a children's library (Rumah Baca Atharya) that tends to attract children aged 5-12 and their parents for waste management education with a Cut Down your Waste, Because You Can educational talk!

She also partnered with the founder of Rumah Baca Atharya, Paramita Hapsari, Go team, to educate and raise awareness about UN SDGs and zero waste lifestyle, to empower, facilitate, and support children and parents to start/ continue living a zero-waste life with tactics such as adopting sustainable products.

They started with examples of sustainable living, discussed a short movie about sustainability found on YouTube, and ended with information on zero-waste lifestyle through composting and reduction of plastic consumption.

Thank you for being a part of our sustainability community hosting these sustainability events, green events!

If you'd like to find out more about SDGs in Indonesia, check out:

 Environmental Sustainability Indonesia Sustainable Living

Hi everyone, we are bringing back the Community Leader Program that saw 315 sign ups back in 2019!

The YSI SEA and Interseed's Community and Outreach Team are recruiting Sustainability Event Community Leaders from all around Southeast Asia!

Do you have passion for Sustainable Development and love bringing communities together in order to build sustainable cities and communities?

Looking to host sustainability events and need extra extra tools and a marketing boost?

Want to be a part of a sustainability community for founders and talents? Check out our platform for founders and talents!

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