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  • Writer's pictureJarratt Ong

Woman empowerment enterprise with "unwanted grass" | Sakombu

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Here is the amazing Dewi Febriana who founded Sakombu in Indonesia. Sakombu aims to empower women and preserve cultural heritage with ethically handcrafted artisanal goods and ultimately helping to creating sustainable cities and communities. Here is how she does it:

In this mini-documentary, Dewi shares with us how she uses the dried Mansiang to weave into products such as baskets, bags, and purses. More importantly, these "unwanted grass" from Minangkabau are given a new lease of life by becoming sustainable products.

From checking purchasing orders, to creating invoices, and managing the social media, Dewi does it all. Sounds familiar? That tends to be the life of an early-stage impact-making founder. Yet, it takes a village to create sustainable impact, and Dewi engages the local community to help her out.

The women from the local community helps her with quality control and making of the products, and in return, Dewi pays them a wage while empowering them with the belief that these 50 year old full-time housewives are able to make artisanal crafts too.

What are some anticipated features of Interseed? Dewi wants to know more of the business model of a social enterprise with the help of mentors to guide her.

We are excited to soon launch the Interseed Southeast Asia sustainability community impact platform to help impact-making founders grow their impact and helping to create a sustainable society for tomorrow.

To collaborate with amazing impact-making founders like Dewi from Sakombu, join our impact community today!

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